Five Simple Training Tips
Improving doesn’t have to be complicated! This blog post provides you with five simple tips that will help you improve your cycling...
How To Fuel for Ultra Endurance Bicycle Races
Use this guide to dial in your race nutrition for ultra races such as - The Munga MTB The Munga Grit The Munga Equipe Race Around Rwanda...
What Is The Peak Or Taper Phase?
If you are a cyclist who wants to perform at your best for a specific event, one of the most important aspects of your training plan is...
What Is The Build Phase?
You have invested in a solid base training phase, and over the last 3 to 4 months, you focused on your strengths and weaknesses and...
What Is The Base Phase?
The start of a new training season means the start of base training – it is an important part of every cyclist’s training because it...
Sarah Atmore: My First Munga
How and when did you get into cycling? I got into cycling a bit by accident. As kids every year we would go watch the Argus Cycle Tour on...
What Ultra-Distance Cycling Has Done For Me
There is something special about riding a bike and I think cycling’s greatest gift is the solitude that it creates. Be it a solo 200km...
Preparing For An Ultra Distance Race
Racing the mind, an ultra endurance event be it supported, semi-supported or un-supported is as much a mental battle as it is a physical...
Race Report - Darling TTU 24 hour
Solo mountain bike lap racing for 24 hours straight. Sounds grim, right? There are so many things to think about in a race like this, on...